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Police discrimination, misconduct, Ferguson, MO, the Roman Legion, and now math??? (Page 56)
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Cap'n Tightpants
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Oct 7, 2015, 11:17 AM
That's the scuttlebutt. After they drilled down to who started it, turns out it was a pair of undercover narc officers.
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The Final Dakar  (op)
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Oct 8, 2015, 01:28 PM
Bob McCulloch, the St. Louis County prosecutor who oversaw the legal proceedings that led to the non-indictment of Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson in the fall of 2014, was honored Thursday at a Missouri Bar luncheon after the Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys named him "Prosecutor of the Year."
Congratulations, Bob!
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Oct 8, 2015, 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
The rumor is this was precipitated by undercover cops.
So is this a case of cops protecting their own (corruption) or cops thinking the case their making is too important. Because, you know, in this case the undercover cops are somehow worse than the bikers they're investigating.
Clinically Insane
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Oct 8, 2015, 01:36 PM
Certainly in the former case.
Cap'n Tightpants
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Oct 8, 2015, 05:36 PM
Probably a deep narc bust, which is obviously more important than murder... Shit, our laws are so screwed up.
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Oct 9, 2015, 07:29 AM
Why hasn't Obama visited Chicago about their much worse killings by leftwing gangs?

September 2015 - 134 people shot, 60 killed in Chicago
President Obama's Response: None

Jul 04, 2015 Weekend - 57 people shot, 7 killed in Chicago
President Obama's Response: Crickets

Aug 23, 2014 - 28 shot, 7 killed in Chicago in one day
President Obama's Response: None

Jul 04, 2014 Weekend - 82 people shot, 16 killed in Chicago
President Obama's Response: Not a word

Apr 12, 2014 Weekend - 26 shot, 4 killed in Chicago
President Obama's Response: None

Jul 04, 2013 Weekend - 74 people shot, 12 killed in Chicago
President Obama's Response: No Comment

Jun 15, 2013 Weekend - 40 injured, 6 killed in Chicago
President Obama's Response: None

May 26, 2012 Weekend - 40 people shot, 10 killed in Chicago
President Obama's Response: Nothing

Since Obama took office over 10,000 people have been shot and over 3,000 killed in Chicago alone. President Obama's Response: Nothing
Cap'n Tightpants
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Oct 9, 2015, 08:24 AM
3084 have been murdered in Chicago (the vast majority are from 1 group), by comparison, 215 have died in "mass shootings", since Obama took office. I find the narrative that the latter is the real social issue to be very f*cking problematic. Interestingly enough, a large percentage of gang-related killings are 2+ people, which should be considered in the "mass shooting" statistics, but isn't. Any idea why? Want to hazard a guess?
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Clinically Insane
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Oct 9, 2015, 10:37 AM
Obama doesn't like black people?
Clinically Insane
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Oct 9, 2015, 11:01 AM
I feel I should defend mah city a bit.

Chicago isn't even in the top 30 US cities when it comes to murder rate, and IIUC, it isn't even the top city in Illinois.
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Oct 9, 2015, 11:12 AM
I think DC has the highest murder rate. Same reasons though.
Clinically Insane
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Oct 9, 2015, 11:25 AM
The list I'm looking at doesn't have DC in the top 30, either. East St. Louis gets the brass ring. The first "big city" on the list is Detroit at number 7.

The Final Dakar  (op)
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Oct 9, 2015, 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by The Final Dakar View Post
Police might in trouble after messing with someone's meal-ticket.
NBPA probing police tactics in Thabo Sefolosha's arrest, broken fibula
Thabo Sefolosha Found Not Guilty Of Resisting Arrest
The trial, during which Sefolosha testified that he was giving money to a beggar when police accosted him, lasted four days. The jury deliberated for a total of one hour before returning its verdict.

Panel: NYPD Officer Used Excessive Force When Wrongly Arresting James Blake
Via the New York Times, the CCRB recommended a suspension or firing for James Frascatore, the officer who took Blake down in front of a Manhattan hotel on Sept. 9. Frascatore had previous allegations of police misconduct from 2012 and 2013. The board also recommended discipline for Daniel Herzog, the detective who authorized the arrest.
Let's see if anything actually happens...
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Oct 9, 2015, 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
The list I'm looking at doesn't have DC in the top 30, either. East St. Louis gets the brass ring. The first "big city" on the list is Detroit at number 7.

To be fair, though, I know the CPD fudges the numbers.

Dead guy found in an abandoned building shot in the back of the head? Clearly a suicide.
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Oct 9, 2015, 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by BadKosh View Post
Why hasn't Obama visited Chicago about their much worse killings by leftwing gangs?
So let me get this straight. You are trying assign street gangs that are battling over the drug trade a place on the US political spectrum? When the vast majority of them are apolitical at best? You do realize that in this country most felons don't even have voting rights (at least for a while) right?

Originally Posted by BadKosh View Post
Since Obama took office over 10,000 people have been shot and over 3,000 killed in Chicago alone. President Obama's Response: Nothing
I know this is a favorite conservative talking point but it's simply not supported by the facts:

Just as he did when he addressed the nation after the Newtown, Conn. massacre last month, President Barack Obama again name-dropped the streets of his hometown as he addressed gun control policy Wednesday.

In the midst of unveiling the most sweeping gun policy reform in a generation in Washington, D.C., Obama again referenced the "too frequent" shooting deaths of "kids on street corners of Chicago" as he made the case for reinstating the federal assault weapons ban, requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales, providing mental health services in schools and allocating funds for the hiring of more police officers, in addition to 23 other, more immediate executive actions on gun policy.

"This is our first task as a society: keeping our children safe. This is how we will be judged," the president said Wednesday morning. “We can’t put this off any longer."
Obama On Chicago Gun Violence: President References Hometown Tragedies In Gun Control Address

With the nationwide debate over guns escalating, President Barack Obama is expected to hone in on firearm control during his State of the Union address Tuesday and visit his hometown of Chicago Friday to drum up support for his new proposals.

The White House announced Sunday Chicago's visit will be the last of three stops this week — which also include Asheville, N.C. and Atlanta — in the president's effort to push his second term policy plans and simultaneously address the gun violence crisis in his hometown.

"He'll, of course, also talk about the gun violence that has tragically affected too many families in communities across Chicago and across the country," a White House official said Sunday, according to the Sun-Times.
Obama Chicago Gun Control: President To Tout New Firearm Measures In Hometown

CHICAGO – President Barack Obama offered a personal reflection on gun violence here Friday, tackling the issue not as a policymaker or parent, but as a black man himself who knew how close he’d come to a very different fate.
His visit comes as this city continue continues to suffer some of its worst violence ever — there were more than 500 murders here in 2012 and another 43 in January, including the killing of Hadiya Pendleton.

“Last year, there were 443 murders with a firearm in this city, and 65 of them were 18 and under. That’s the equivalent of a Newtown every four months,” he said. “That’s precisely why the overwhelming majority of Americans are asking for some common sense proposals to make it harder for criminals to get their hands on a gun.”

“No law or set of laws can prevent every senseless act of violence in this country,” Obama said. “When a child opens fire on another child, there’s a hole in that child’s heart that government can’t fill, only community and parents and teachers and clergy can fill that hole. and “when a child opens fire on another child, there’s a hole in that child’s heart that government can’t fill,” he added, drawing on language he used during a 2007 speech in Anacostia, a poor and violent area of Washington.
Obama compares Chicago, Newtown - POLITICO

Here's a good summary of what conservatives love to tell themselves in right-wing media and the reality that seems to bring upon a case of convenient amnesia ...

Originally Posted by Brit Hume - Fox News
Well, you know, Martha, that's an interesting point because according to the Centers for Disease Control that tracks these things, the leading cause of death among African-Americans age 15 -- I believe it's 15 to 24 is homicide. And you see these continuing waves of black-on-black killings in places like Chicago, which is the most conspicuous because the numbers are so high out there, but in places across the country.

I don't recall the president ever seeking to address that problem at all, or even acknowledging its existence.
I may be wrong about that, he may have said something about it, but if you're convening a White House conference on relations between the police and the people they're trying to protect in such areas, you'd think that this issue might be a part of the discussion. What do you do about this, these killings in significant numbers, such that it is the leading cause of death among a certain age group in this country?

I don't recall the president weighing in on that or even acknowledging it, and I certainly don't recall any of these so-called civil rights leaders of the Al Sharpton stripe ever showing up at a funeral in Chicago where there's a black-on-black killing. You just don't see that.
[Fox News, Fox & Friends, 12/1/14]
Obama Has Repeatedly Addressed Violence In Black Communities

Obama Emphasized Importance Of Black Role Models To Combat Pervasive Violence In 2013 Morehouse College Speech. In his May 2013 commencement speech at the historically black, all-male Morehouse College, Obama explained the importance of having black male role models and addressed poverty and violence in black communities (emphasis added):

But that doesn't mean we don't have work -- because if we're honest with ourselves, we know that too few of our brothers have the opportunities that you've had here at Morehouse. In troubled neighborhoods all across this country -- many of them heavily African American -- too few of our citizens have role models to guide them. Communities just a couple miles from my house in Chicago, communities just a couple miles from here -- they're places where jobs are still too scarce and wages are still too low; where schools are underfunded and violence is pervasive; where too many of our men spend their youth not behind a desk in a classroom, but hanging out on the streets or brooding behind a jail cell.


So be a good role model, set a good example for that young brother coming up. If you know somebody who's not on point, go back and bring that brother along -- those who've been left behind, who haven't had the same opportunities we have -- they need to hear from you. [White House, 5/19/13]
Speaking At Chicago School, Obama Addressed Gun Violence. In a February 2013 speech at Hyde Park Academy in Chicago, Obama addressed the problem of gun violence in the city and reflected on his own experience growing up:

President Barack Obama offered a personal reflection on gun violence here Friday, tackling the issue not as a policymaker or parent, but as a black man himself who knew how close he'd come to a very different fate.


Speaking of the economic struggles and broken homes that he identified as the root causes, Obama talked about his own experiences as a young African-American man, causing trouble and, later, trying to affect change on the streets here.

"Don't get me wrong, as the son of a single mom ... I turned out OK ... but at the same time I wish I had a father who was involved, around," Obama said. [Politico, 2/15/13]
Obama Referenced Chicago Violence In Speech On Gun Policy. In a January 2013 address, Obama referenced violence in Chicago while introducing "the most sweeping gun policy reform in a generation," alluding to the "'too frequent' shooting deaths of 'kids on street corners of Chicago.'" [Huffington Post, 1/16/13]

Obama Created "My Brother's Keeper" Initiative "To Help Young Men Of Color." In July, Obama announced an expansion of his "My Brother's Keeper" initiative, aimed at "bolstering the lives of young minority men and boys":

The goals of My Brother's Keeper are broadly to help young men of color at critical moments of their lives, including early literacy, high school and in the teens and early 20s when so many are sucked into the so-called school-to-prison pipeline.

"We want fewer young men in jail, we want more of them in college," Obama said on Monday. "We want fewer young men on the streets, we want more of them in the boardrooms. We want everybody to have a chance to succeed in America." [MSNBC.com, 7/21/14]
Michelle Obama Addressed Violence In Chicago At Funeral Of Teenager Hadiya Pendleton. First lady Michelle Obama spoke out against violence in Chicago at the funeral of Hadiya Pendleton, killed days after performing at President Obama's 2013 inauguration. From the speech:

"But I got to grow up and go to Princeton and Harvard Law School and have a career and family and the most blessed life I could ever imagine. And Hadiya? Oh we know that story. Just a week after she performed at my husband's inauguration, she went to a park with some friends, and got shot in the back. Because some kid thought she was in a gang. Hadiya's family did everything right, but she still didn't have a chance. And that story, the story of Hadiya's life and death, we read that story day after day, month after month, year after year In this city and around this country. I'm not talking about something that's happening in a war zone halfway around the world. I'm talking about what's happening in the city we call home. The city where we're raising our kids."[Slate, 4/10/13]
Civil Rights Groups Have Also Addressed Violence In Black Communities

NAACP Met With Chicago Mayor To Address Gun Violence. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People met with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel in November 2013 "to discuss ways to fight gun violence in the city." [NAACP, 11/20/14]

National Action Network Called For Action On Chicago Violence. In July, the National Action Network called for action on violence in Chicago and planned "to convene an anti-violence summit of national civil rights leaders" in the city. [ABC 7 Chicago, 7/10/14]
Fox News Pundit Can't Remember Any Of These Times Obama Addressed "Black-On-Black Killings" | Research | Media Matters for America

Of course, none of this will ever matter to BadKosh et al. Soon enough they'll be repeating this clearly debunked talking point.

( Last edited by OAW; Oct 9, 2015 at 04:25 PM. )
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Oct 9, 2015, 02:19 PM
Regarding murder statistics ......

St. Louis' homicide rate in 2014 was higher than any other big city in the U.S.

That's according to newly released statistics from the FBI, which show St. Louis toppling the 2013 champion, Detroit, to become the murder capital of the country. The 159 murders recorded in St. Louis in 2013 give us a rate of 50 homicides per 100,000 residents — which is higher than Detroit's 44 per 100,000 residents.

Coming in third place appears to be New Orleans, with a rate of 38 murders per 100,000 residents.

Baltimore notched 33 murders per 100,000 residents.

Chicago, while leading the nation with the highest total number of homicides, found its number balanced out by its significantly larger population. While recording 411 homicides in 2014, the Windy City had a rate of just 15 murders per 100,000 residents, according to our analysis of the FBI statistics.

Now, it's worth noting that the FBI strongly advises against using these numbers to compare cities to one another. Crime doesn't respect municipal boundaries, and huge swaths of St. Louis may well be safer than cities that didn't make the list. Compiling data year-by-year is also fairly arbitrary. In a (seemingly futile) attempt to discourage such comparisons, the FBI does not sort its statistics by large cities or by homicide rates — we calculated these numbers by going through an Excel download of all the cities in the U.S.

And we didn't look at any cities with a population under 100,000. Had we done so, East St. Louis may well have been the champion — it recorded 27 murders last year, even though its population is just 26,523. That gives the Illinois city a rate of 101 murders per 100,000 residents. Yikes.

It's also worth noting that violent crime is dropping nationwide. It's declined 15 percent across the nation in the last five years, according to a study by the Pew Charitable Trust.

Still, the fact that St. Louis is on pace to notch far more homicides this year than the number that earned us a chart-topping ranking in 2014 is hardly reassuring. Stay safe out there, people.
St. Louis Has the Highest Murder Rate in the Nation | News Blog | St. Louis News and Events | Riverfront Times

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Oct 9, 2015, 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
I feel I should defend mah city a bit.

Chicago isn't even in the top 30 US cities when it comes to murder rate, and IIUC, it isn't even the top city in Illinois.
That's true, it's just really huge and has an abnormally high rate.

Originally Posted by subego View Post
To be fair, though, I know the CPD fudges the numbers.

Dead guy found in an abandoned building shot in the back of the head? Clearly a suicide.
It's bad to laugh, but I almost spit root beer all over my tablet. Oh wow, that is a real thing. There's speculation that as many as 1 in 3 murders are being mis-classified as suicide there? Who is your ME, Dr Kevorkian?
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Oct 9, 2015, 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Cap'n Tightpants View Post
There's speculation that as many as 1 in 3 murders are being mis-classified as suicide there? Who is your ME, Dr Kevorkian?
The corruption goes deep.
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Oct 13, 2015, 04:18 PM
What the **** is wrong with people?!
Video shows police tasing a bloody, restrained Matthew Ajibade in the testicles before his death
On New Year's Day 2015, Matthew Ajibade was arrested after a mental health crisis. Instead of being taken to a hospital, Ajibade, who was otherwise in perfect physical condition, was taken to jail—against his family's wishes. In a video we received last week, police are seen punching and kicking Matthew Ajibade in the face and head before restraining him.
Soon, we see that the Taser is moving closer to his genitals. As the camera gets closer to his genitals, it is deployed. You hear the awful shock of the Taser, followed by the unforgettable screams of Matthew Ajibade. The video then ends—perhaps as the Taser is turned off, but we don't know.

What we do know is that Matthew Ajibade died in his cell, strapped to this restraining chair, soon after being Tasered here. The timestamp on the video states that it is 4:45 AM on the morning of January 2.

Police claimed they found Ajibade "unresponsive" in his jail cell at 1:38 AM.
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Oct 13, 2015, 04:27 PM
How many times have I said in this thread that if you have a loved one undergoing a "mental health crisis" think long and hard before calling the police? You are much better served calling an ambulance. As for this case, it's pretty obvious the cops murdered this young man. They've been sitting on this video for nearly a year for a reason.

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Oct 13, 2015, 04:30 PM
I'm literally sick to my stomach. That's straight-up torture, and for as far as I can tell for the crime of being mentally ill.
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Oct 13, 2015, 04:34 PM
Two officers' statements ruled admissable in Freddie Gray case, as 3 others withdraw efforts to block their statements - Baltimore Sun
Ivan Bates, one of White's attorney's, suggested that investigators on the Baltimore Police Department's Force Investigation Team had "tricked" White into providing a statement by making her think she was just a witness — not a suspect — and by suggesting to her during her interrogation that her signing two sheets waiving her Miranda rights and her rights under the state Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights was not tantamount to giving up her rights when it was.

Prosecutors said the statements were obtained properly. Deputy State's Attorney Jan Bledsoe at one point during the hearing called the defense suggestion that a police sergeant did not understand her rights when agreeing to give a statement "a serious problem."
I'm against shady interrogation practices, but LOL at a police sergeant who isn't aware of SOP during these things.
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Oct 14, 2015, 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by The Final Dakar View Post
I'm literally sick to my stomach. That's straight-up torture, and for as far as I can tell for the crime of being mentally ill.
I had only heard he was tased while restrained, which was bad enough, but that it was in the groin and he died in police custody really takes it to another level.
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Oct 14, 2015, 06:24 PM
It would appear that college students Banking While Black is a thing now ....

Black Lives Matter activists lined a Washington, D.C., street Tuesday in protest after an 18-year-old black man and his friends were accosted, chased and handcuffed by police for, they believe, standing too close to a banking institution and thereby making a white woman uncomfortable.

Jason Goolsby told the Washington Post that he and two friends were standing outside a Citibank near the exclusive Capitol Hill area around 6:15 p.m. Monday when police cars came racing toward him. Goolsby told the Post that one car almost hit him, so the college freshman ran. Police gave chase, and Goolsby's friend recorded the tail end of what happened next.

On the video, which was circulated on social media, Goolsby is on the ground as two white officers appear to twist his arm behind his back. Goolsby can be heard yelling in pain while the officers yell, "Stop resisting."

Goolsby's friend can be heard off camera saying, "He didn't do anything." Moments later, the video is stopped after a police officer accosts Goolsby's friend.

Goolsby told the Post that police would later claim that they got a call noting that the teen's presence made a white woman "uncomfortable."

A police report viewed by the Post doesn't mention in detail the encounter between the officer and Goolsby.

"One individual fled on foot from police, was chased and then taken down," the police statement reads, according to the Post. "The individual resisted, and was handcuffed while resisting after he refused to stop."

Goolsby told the Post that he believes a woman he'd held a door for as she entered the bank is the one who called police. He added that he was contemplating withdrawing money from the ATM after he learned that a studio session had been canceled and he didn't know if he still needed the cash.

Police did not release the official recording and noted only that the 911 caller reported "men who she thought may have been targeting ATM users were wearing backpacks and had 'flat-top bush hairstyles,' " the Post reports.

"If you're black, you're an automatic threat. That's the reality of the world we live in, and it's supported by the justice system," Erika Totten, a former high school teacher of Goolsby's and leader of Tuesday's protest, told the Post. "White fear of a black boy caused that."

Lt. Sean Conboy, a D.C. police spokesman, told the Post that officials are "reviewing the circumstances surrounding the stop to ensure that policies and procedures were followed."

"[The police] threw me on the ground. They never read me my rights after they handcuffed me," Goolsby told the Post. "They never apologized."
DC Police Chase and Cuff College Student After White Woman Says She Is ‘Uncomfortable’: VIDEO - The Root
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Oct 14, 2015, 06:52 PM
Whether and how I would try and defend this would depend on the content of the 911 call. Without that, they're on their own.
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Oct 14, 2015, 10:32 PM
It seems that “Stop resisting!” has become a sentence the police utters out of habit rather than conviction.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
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Oct 14, 2015, 11:15 PM
It's reached the point where it's its own parody.
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Oct 14, 2015, 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
It's reached the point where it's its own parody.
Well, I suspect it's just so that someone like that poor kid on the ground twitching because he is in pain from not just one, but two locked arms, can be charged with resisting arrest.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
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Oct 15, 2015, 12:23 AM
Whoops! Wrong thread!
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Oct 15, 2015, 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
Whether and how I would try and defend this would depend on the content of the 911 call. Without that, they're on their own.
There's something to be said that the police would be put in less questionable situations if they weren't constantly being asked to intervene by a racists segment of the populace. Not sure how you fix that.
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Oct 15, 2015, 01:02 PM
Eric Garner and Tamir Rice among those missing from FBI record of police killings | US news | The Guardian
Killings by police that unleashed a new protest movement around the US in 2014, including those of Eric Garner, Tamir Rice and John Crawford, are missing from the federal government’s official record of homicides by officers because most departments refuse to submit data.

Only 224 of 18,000 law enforcement agencies around the US reported a fatal shooting by their officers to the FBI last year, according to previously unpublished data obtained by the Guardian, which sheds new light on flaws in official systems for counting the use of deadly force by police.
Stephen Fischer, a spokesman for the FBI, said exclusions were inevitable because the program remained voluntary. “We have no way of knowing how many incidents may have been omitted,” Fischer said in an email.
No police departments from the state of Florida reported any homicides by officers, meaning deaths caused by police in the country’s third-most populous state were not logged by the FBI. The New York police department, by far the country’s biggest, submitted data for just one year during the past decade.

An increase in the number of homicides by police publicly reported by the FBI over the past five years was effectively matched by a rise in the number of individual departments reporting any homicides, casting doubt over purported trends in the data.
Apparently because the FBI offers no category for recording killings by law enforcement officers of people who were not felons, some departments have filed unjustified homicides by their officers among the general stack of murders, manslaughters and other killings between civilians.
The Counted has documented more than 900 deaths caused by encounters with law enforcement officers so far this year. The FBI count, from which basic statistics were published earlier this month, documented just 444 justifiable homicides for the whole of 2014. That total was reached by the Guardian count before the halfway point of 2015.

The FBI data showed that while the number of homicides reported rose 14% from 196 per year in 2009 to 224 last year, the number of departments reporting killings by their officers increased by 12% from 392 to 439 per year in the same period.

Because of the nature of the FBI program there is no way of calculating whether these increases reflect a genuine rise in the number of people killed by police over the years or simply that more agencies have decided to submit their data.
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Oct 19, 2015, 12:24 PM
Regarding the Matthew Ajibade case ... the mentally ill man who died in police custody after being tasered on the genitals while handcuffed to a chair .... ask yourself this question. Justice? Or "Just-us"?

Two Georgia ex-deputies were acquitted Friday of involuntary manslaughter charges in the death of Mathew Ajibade, a mentally ill man who was tased while in restraints and then left unattended.

The former officers and a jailhouse nurse were convicted of lesser charges, according to NBC affiliate WSAV.

Jason Kenny, who used the stun gun on Ajibade, was found guilty of cruelty to a prisoner, which carries a possible prison sentence of 1 to 3 years. Maxine Evans was found guilty of falsifying records.

The nurse, Gregory Brown, was acquitted of manslaughter charges by the judge earlier in the week after an investigator admitted he had been indicted based on incorrect information about jailhouse policies.

The jury did find him guilty of perjury for claiming he had checked on Ajibade when security footage shows he never did, WSAV reported.

Chris Oladapo, Ajibade's cousin, told NBC News that he was not surprised the officers were found not guilty of the top charge.

"I knew that that same system that failed Mathew would not be the system that got him justice," he said. "I had already warned my family not to expect anything.

"We expected nothing, and we got nothing."

Ajibade, 22, was handcuffed to a restraint chair in an isolation cell after he allegedly hit his girlfriend and broke a deputy's nose while in the midst of what his family described as a bipolar episode on New Year's Day.

Officers also placed a spit mask over his mouth. He was found dead in the chair, still wearing the spit mask, in the early morning hours of January 2.

Graphic video obtained by NBC News showed deputies tasing Ajibade in the groin while he was in a restraint chair — a controversial device that Amnesty International has said should be banned.

The coroner ruled Ajibade's death a homicide, citing abrasions, scrapes and bumps on his upper body and head. His family has hired Mark O-Mara, best known for successfully defending George Zimmerman against murder charges in the death of Trayvon Martin, to represent them in a possible civil suit.
Ex-Cops Acquitted of Top Charge in Mathew Ajibade's Jailhouse Death - NBC News

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Oct 19, 2015, 01:19 PM
I think it's pretty fair to say that relations between the black community and the police in Baltimore has taken a significant downturn lately ....

Baltimore police officer has been suspended after video emerged showing him spitting in the face of a black man who he then charged with assault.

The officer, Sergeant Robert Mesner, was placed on leave by interim chief Kevin Davis. In the video, Mesner can be seen following 31-year-old Alfred Evan after Evan had been arguing with him when Mesner broke up a group who were just standing around and talking.

Mesner follows Evan and his friends as one of Evan’s friends complains that Mesner is trying to provoke them. At this point, Mesner grabs Evan and forces him to the ground before handcuffing him and then turning him over so that Mesner can spit in his face.

“You spit on him. He just spit on him!” a woman can be heard saying.

As Evan is taken into custody, an angry crowd forms, and another officer holds off the crowd with his Taser. While Evan is put in the car, a woman is heard shouting, “You won’t Freddie Gray that one!”

Evan was charged with second-degree assault of a law enforcement officer, second-degree assault, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct. However, since reviewing the video, Chief Davis has suspended Mesner, saying, “The video appears to depict the police sergeant spitting on the arrestee. That is outrageously unacceptable, and it directly contradicts the necessary community relationships we are striving to rehabilitate. The police powers of Sgt. Robert Mesner are now suspended, and a criminal investigation is underway. Our entire community deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.”
Baltimore cop spits in handcuffed black man’s face, then charges him with assault | theGrio

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Oct 19, 2015, 01:21 PM
The judge felt a little biased...
The verdicts came after jurors deliberated for more than 11 hours over two days. Jurors also asked Bass if they could again view the jail video from 11:45 p.m. on June 1 when Ajibade was put in the restraining chair until 12:10 a.m. on Jan. 2 when a check of the inmate allegedly was made.

Bass denied the request.

Earlier, Bass suggested he might consider declaring a mistrial for any counts the jury had not reached verdicts on by 5 p.m.

“If it gets close to 5 o’clock and they haven’t reached a verdict, you know what might happen,” Bass told attorneys with jurors in the jury room. “I’ll probably declare a mistrial.”

He told lawyers his comments were only speculation, “because I have no idea of what they are hung up on.”
Two former deputy sheriffs acquitted of involuntary manslaughter in Mathew Ajibade trial | savannahnow.com

How in ****s name was that not guilty?
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Oct 19, 2015, 04:09 PM
Jesus... this was in Savannah, too?

Don't get me wrong, I love the place, but the people there are ****ing insane. A judge from there giving zero shits comes as no surprise.
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Oct 19, 2015, 04:11 PM
I love that we all have our little sections of the US we keep massive stereotypes of.
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Oct 19, 2015, 04:12 PM
Kentucky Prosecutor: Being Hispanic ‘Probable Cause’ For Being Pulled Over | Mediaite
The Bluegrass State may not be known for its diversity, but as Mauro Martinez appeared in court for receiving a speeding ticket, Oldham Country prosecutor John K. Carter can be heard very clearly expressing his true thoughts on the subject. After the defense claims that Martinez was stopped “because he was Hispanic”, Carter can be heard saying “That’s probable cause”.

Martinez’s attorneys — and even Judge Diana Wheeler — immediately remark “I’m going to act like I didn’t hear that”.
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Oct 19, 2015, 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by The Final Dakar View Post
I love that we all have our little sections of the US we keep massive stereotypes of.
I'm only reporting on the vibe I got from when I visited. Though for different reasons, the two places I've been in America which qualify as "****in weird" are Savannah and Key West.

To be clear, I like both places and wouldn't mind living in either.
The Final Dakar  (op)
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Oct 19, 2015, 04:43 PM
Well yeah, you're white.
Cap'n Tightpants
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Oct 19, 2015, 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by The Final Dakar View Post
Well yeah, you're white.
He's right, the white people there are ****ing weird, practically everyone there is ****ing weird.
"I have a dream, that my four little children will one day live in a
nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin,
but by the content of their character." - M.L.King Jr
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Oct 19, 2015, 05:46 PM
My wife and I have visited Savannah on a few occasions and we both absolutely love it there. It's a very beautiful city with that old Southern charm. Granted we've only been in the historic district down town so that could very well be giving us a misimpression of the city as a whole.

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Oct 20, 2015, 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by The Final Dakar View Post
Well yeah, you're white.
Where are you going with this?
The Final Dakar  (op)
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Oct 20, 2015, 09:21 AM
Joke about race.
Clinically Insane
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Oct 20, 2015, 10:04 AM
But, the joke would apply pretty much throughout the entire western world, no?
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Oct 20, 2015, 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by subego View Post
But, the joke would apply pretty much throughout the entire western world, no?
Some places are more unequal than others.
Clinically Insane
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Oct 20, 2015, 10:37 AM
Not if you're white.
The Final Dakar  (op)
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Oct 20, 2015, 10:43 AM
Congrats for killing a one-off joke.
Clinically Insane
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Oct 20, 2015, 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by The Final Dakar View Post
Congrats for killing a one-off joke.
But you still end up victorious because my best responses to this are in such poor taste I'm not going to go there.
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Oct 20, 2015, 12:51 PM
So is "Having Car Trouble While Black" a thing now?

Their band, Future Prezidents, had finished their gig almost an hour earlier, so bass player Mathew Huntsberger was surprised to get a call from drummer Corey Jones, 31, around 1:45 a.m. on Sunday.

Jones told Huntsberger that his SUV had broken down and asked if he could help, so Huntsberger drove to find his bandmate, who was stranded north of West Palm Beach, Fla., on Interstate 95. He brought along some oil, but when that didn’t work, the two decided to look up numbers for a tow truck.

“I tried to help him the best I could, but I’m not a mechanic or anything,” Huntsberger said in an interview with The Washington Post on Monday afternoon.

Huntsberger said he called roadside assistance for his bandmate and then, about 2:30 a.m., left to head home while Jones waited for the tow truck.

About 45 minutes later, Jones was dead — shot and killed by a police officer.

“When I left him he was sitting in his car calling roadside assistance,” Huntsberger said. “I never would have thought that someone was going to come kill him.”

Few details have been released about the Oct. 18 shooting — which is one of more than 780 fatal police shootings so far in 2015, according to a Washington Post database of all deadly on-duty shootings by police officers in 2015.

In a statement issued Monday afternoon, the Palm Beach Gardens Police Department said that officer Nouman Raja was in plainclothes in an unmarked car when he stopped to investigate what he believed to be an abandoned vehicle on an Interstate 95 exit ramp.

“As the officer exited his vehicle, he was suddenly confronted by an armed subject,” the police department said in a statement. “As a result of the confrontation, the officer discharged his firearm, resulting in the death of the subject.”

Palm Beach Gardens is a roughly 50,000-resident city near Palm Beach, made up primarily of white residents.
The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office, which is investigating the shooting, referred requests for comment to the Palm Beach Gardens Police Department. Officials with the Palm Beach Gardens Police Department did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

“They’re saying he was armed, but I don’t know if I believe it,” said Huntsberger, who described Jones as a really mellow, church-going guy. “Of course they’re going to say that. If I was there, maybe it’s a different situation. I just don’t know what happened.”

Family members, several of whom are clergy members in the Palm Beach region, and friends have described Jones as a well-known and liked church drummer at Bible Church of God in Boynton Beach. Jones family plans to gather tonight at a local church to share memories of him, and are making funeral plans for Saturday.

“He was a good kid, just coming home from a gig,” said Jones’s cousin Frank Hearst, 36, of Nashville, Tenn. “He was just an all-around good guy who never got into any trouble, never had any record. It’s just an unfortunate situation.”

Hearst said family members are upset at how little information has been provided about the shooting. They want to know how many shots were fired, and what weapon he allegedly was carrying when he was killed. They say Jones never carried a firearm.

“They’re saying Corey approached him armed, which is a total lie,” Hearst said. “That don’t make sense.”

Benjamin Dixon said he met Jones because they were both church musicians, occasionally filling in for each other’s bands when a member had to miss a service.

“When you play with someone two or three times, they become friends. Two or three times more, and they become family,” Dixon said.

He remembered Jones as a laid-back guy, often found wielding his drumsticks behind a kit in a church sanctuary.

“He was a very hard worker who you could also find in his church,” Dixon said.
We'll see how this one turns out. But consider this for the sake of discussion. Let's say Mr. Jones was armed. It's 3:15 AM in the morning. His car has broken down. Some strange dude approaches his vehicle who is NOT a uniformed police officer and NOT in a marked police vehicle. So he gets out of his vehicle. Now IMO the official police statement of "As the officer exited his vehicle, he was suddenly confronted by an armed subject." is clearly designed to give the impression to the general public that Mr. Jones was somehow hostile or belligerent to the officer as that is the primary definition of the term:

confront |kənˈfrənt|
verb [ with obj. ]
meet (someone) face to face with hostile or argumentative intent: 300 policemen confronted an equal number of union supporters.

face up to and deal with (a problem or difficult situation): we knew we couldn't ignore the race issue and decided we'd confront it head on.
But a secondary definition of the term isn't rooted in hostility at all. Merely dealing with the situation at hand. As indicated by the Thesaurus ...

Jones confronted the intruder: challenge, face (up to), come face to face with, meet, accost; stand up to, brave; tackle; informal collar. ANTONYMS avoid.
Like a stranger rolling up on you at 3:15 in the morning. My point is maybe Mr. Jones was belligerent ... maybe he wasn't. But this is Florida ... a "Stand Your Ground" state. And notice how the official police statement does NOT say that the officer ever identified himself as such. So perhaps Mr. Jones perceived this plainclothes officer to be a threat? Would he not be within his rights to defend himself? That is assuming him even having a weapon is not complete BS.

After his car broke down, Florida church drummer shot and killed by plainclothes officer | Washington Post

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Oct 22, 2015, 04:31 PM
The plot thickens ....

A Florida musician who was fatally shot by a plainclothes police officer after his car broke down on a highway exit early Sunday morning was trying to run away and never fired the weapon he had on him, lawyers for the man's family said on Thursday, Reuters reports.

Corey Jones, 31, who was on his way home from a gig, was waiting for a tow truck around 3 a.m. after his car broke down. That's when plainclothes Officer Nouman Raja approached him driving an unmarked van, lawyers said during a press conference outside Palm Beach County Courthouse. Police have claimed that a confrontation between the two men ended with Jones, who was carrying a recently bought handgun, being shot by Raja, who was investigating a burglary.

The 38-year-old officer fired at Jones six times, hitting him three times. However, attorney Benjamin Crump told reporters that Raja emerged from the unmarked van, which had tinted windows, and failed to identify himself by showing his badge.

"This is troubling on so many levels ... Corey never fired his weapon," Crump said, according to the newswire. Crump also indicated that Jones was "running away at some point," although there is currently no evidence that the drummer was shot in the back. As Reuters notes, Jones' body was found about 80 to 100 feet away from his car. The bullet that killed him entered through his side and lodged in his upper body, lawyers said.

The death is currently being investigated by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office as well as the state attorney, with support from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Lawyers for the family are also asking to see surveillance footage from cameras located in the area of the shooting.

Raja, who was not hurt, is currently on administrative leave with pay. The gun that Jones had on him had been purchased three days earlier, and Jones' family said that he got the weapon for protection.

According to Reuters, the officer, who had only joined the Palm Beach Gardens Police Department in April, had come from the Atlantis, Fla., Police Department with seven years of experience. Raja was given a written warning in 2011 after he was ordered to stop a police chase, and was threatened with suspension in 2013 by the APD after supervisors discovered unfiled paperwork and prescription drugs from a drug case in Raja's patrol vehicle.
Fla. Drummer Killed by Plainclothes Officer Was 'Running Away at Some Point,' 'Never Fired' His Gun: Lawyer - The Root
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Oct 22, 2015, 04:41 PM
When a immovable object (Stand Your Ground) meets an unstoppable force (Police fearing for their safety).

Also, unmarked van. Good luck. A civilian version of a police cruiser might b recognizable. Van screams "Put the lotion in the basket!"
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